Your Boss...
Below are our articles on the subject of Your Boss. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Asking for a Pay Rise
Salary negotiations are not an aspect of working life that many employees relish but you feel you deserve a pay rise then you have to stand up for yourself and speak out....

Dealing with a New Boss
Welcoming a new boss can prove an unsettling experience, but it also offers an opportunity to start afresh and boost your career with some positive changes....

Handing in your Notice
Handing in your notice is not simply a case of waving goodbye to your old employers, but requires a good planning, organisation and professionalism....

How to Disagree with your Boss Constructively
No boss is perfect and will likely get something wrong every now and again. However, disagreeing with your boss can be a dangerous business, unless you do it the right…...

What to do When You're Unhappy with Your Boss
Boss dissatisfaction is one of the chief reasons for employees quitting, but isn’t there something you can do about it without resorting to such drastic measures?...